What is Platelet Rich Plasma?

PRP (or platelet rich plasma) has been used for decades for wound and soft tissue healing by orthopedic surgeons and wound care physicians. However, more recently, there has been a large amount of research and clinical evidence demonstrating PRP’s regenerative properties for aesthetic treatments. At Ridgway Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa, it is often used for the treatment of hair loss, acne scars, surgical scars, stretch marks, pigmentation, volume loss, wrinkles, fine lines, crepey skin texture, and for sexual health. PRP comes from your own blood and contains high concentrations of platelets and growth factors that help your tissue heal and grow new cells. PRP is obtained by drawing a small amount of blood from your arm into a sterile tube. The tube is centrifuged to separate your plasma (the portion of the blood that we use for the treatment) from your red and white blood cells, which settle to the bottom of the tube.

PRP can be injected into certain areas of your face to revitalize skin. This is a low-risk treatment for that hard-to-treat under eye area and is a great add-on to other skin procedures. Additionally, micro-needling followed by application of PRP has been shown to have an increase in multiple types of collagen.  The increase in collagen makes skin more refreshed and has been shown to decrease the appearance of acne, fine lines, wrinkles, or pigmented areas.

For sexual health, an injection of PRP is placed into the vaginal walls, clitoris, or clitoral hood. The PRP injection encourages blood flow and cell growth to the area and can increase sensitivity during sex. Once prepared, the PRP will be injected around various erogenous zones such as the clitoris and inner vaginal walls. The goal of sexual wellness injections are to stimulate growth of new tissue and blood flow around the clitoris and vaginal walls to increase sensitivity.

Benefits of sexual wellness injection treatments include:

  • Relief from painful intercourse (dyspuernia)

  • Increased clitoral sensitivity and arousal

  • Improved skin texture of the vulva (vaginal lips)

  • Tighter vaginal opening for more pleasurable intercourse

  • More intense and more frequent orgasms




30-90 minutes


topical skin numbing cream or local anesthesia




2-7 days depending on treatment


3-12 months